Mission Guide is the fresh new venture of the One Future Heroes Groep. A business factory with the sole purpose to support businesses across the EU with sustainable development.

Meet the Founding team


Thijs Struijk-Kafchi
product innovator

Educated as sustainability anthropologist, founder and former CEO Sustainability Games

Marc A. Timmermans
business strategist

Educated as business transformation manager and former director British Telecom


Joost van Gijn
data engineer

Educated as ecologist and former data scientist Achmea, Rabobank, Bol.com


Denzel Hagenbeek
user experience

Educated as web designer and former Lead Product Design Sustainability Games

Purpose & Mission

Sustainable development is a very difficult challenge for society, let alone for a single business. There is so much to know, so much to do, while the outcome remains somewhat uncertain.

On the other hand, continuing with business-as-usual doesn't offer any long term certainty either. And meeting the future without a plan will expose us to the laws of chaos.

So we want to go beyond compliance. We want to offer you a window of opportunity. A triple win that addresses the challenges of tomorrow without compromising the requirements you have to meet today.

Mission Guide's triple win approach combines the power of qualitative insights (for the nerds: the anthropology of data) with business logic and the quantitative power of data science.

An open knowledge ecosystem for ESG transformation 

Mission Guide develops solutions to scale ESG transformation across Europe. Next to the Algorithms, Maturity Metrics and ESG Performance platform we are also developing a knowledge platform. A kind of Wikipedia for ESG transformation with a Knowledge Hub and a Business Directory.

Check out the ESG ecosystem at www.esgtransformation.com